About Us
Whether you’re looking to bring them comfort during a difficult time, tell them you’re thinking of them and you miss them, or just looking to brighten someone’s day, sending a BroglieBox can help express your love and respect for that person.
If you’re looking for a gift for a special person in your life - whether it’s a relative, a partner, or another significant person - we’ve got you covered. Our packages don’t have an age limit. We have something for everyone.
Inspired to create BroglieBox after experiencing her own mental health challenges as a young adult and losing her older brother Justin to suicide when he was just 24. Both Julia and Justin suffered to varying degrees with anxiety, depression, and OCD, yet excelled in school and in their careers. Justin's passing inspired Julia to imagine a new way to deliver support and connection in today’s hectic, fast-paced and often impersonal world.

After spending over 20 years in the entertainment business and experiencing his own mental health challenges, he wanted to find a way to help others access tools to support their overall wellbeing.
Our Chief Fun Officer & emotional support dog at BroglieBox. The most vocal member of the team, his daily duties consist of maintaining a high level of security at the BroglieBox offices, while simultaneously producing smiles with whoever he meets. He is currently working on his barkchellors degree in Communications.

not sure where to start?
feeling overwhelmed and need help picking a box? don't worry, we got you! take our quiz and we'll find the perfect one for you.
From corporate wellness to team-building retreats, we can help you design the perfect gift and at any budget. To find out more information about how to order BroglieBoxes for your team or company.