10 High Schoolers Share Their Favorite Self-Care Activities
6 min read
September is National Self-Care Awareness Month and here at BroglieBox, we’re celebrating the small moments dedicated to taking care of ourselves.
Right now in August, many students are prepping to head back to school, and many students are understandably anxious, worried, and stressed. If you are a student, understand that you are not alone and that it is OK to feel this way. Taking time to devote to self-care reminds us all that taking time to nurture ourselves is crucial to overall happiness and well-being.
BroglieBox Student Contributor, Elle Rotter, spoke to 10 high school students across the country on their favorite self-care activities. From writing stories to feeding turtles, here’s how these teens are taking care of themselves.

Please Note: Names have been condensed to respect students’ privacy and these interviews have been edited for clarity.
Brianna D., 17
Brianna is a high school senior based in St. Louis, Missouri.
My favorite self care activity would have to be writing. I have a journal that I write down anything and everything, from my thoughts to what happened that day and more. I do it every week sometimes everyday or every other day. It’s my escape and it keeps me at bay when I’m struggling.
Catherine C., 16
Catherine is a high school junior based in Mobile, Alabama.
Some of my favorite self care activities are just turning up a playlist and dancing, jogging outside, and listening to podcasts such as “Escape from Plan A” and “Asian Boss Girl.” I turn to these activities because it feels like a mini break from the daily mill of COVID-19, election season, and stress. I feel a sense of self-empowerment during self care sessions, and most importantly, I feel re-energized.
Charlie T., 16
Charlie is a high school junior based in Chicago, Illinois.
When it comes to self-care, I enjoy taking an occasional walk in my neighborhood, which puts my mind at ease, especially after a long day of school. I usually put some headphones on and listen to music or a relaxing melody from Headspace. It’s getting more chilly out so I’m planning on spending time doing indoor exercises in my room during the winter.
Send a student you love our "Student Success Kit" with fun wellness items perfect for high school and college students!
Ilana D., 17
Ilana is a high school senior based in New York City, New York.
My favorite self-care activity nowadays has been feeding the turtles in Central Park’s Turtle Pond. Every day, I take a walk with my Pepperidge Farm low-calorie 7-grain bread to visit those crazy turtles. I always feel satisfied and relaxed when I throw my little bits of bread into the murky water. However, I do get a little nervous when the geese start pressuring me to give them some of my bread.
Jillian P., 16
Jillian is a high school senior based in West Harrison, Indiana.
My favorite self care activity is writing stories. I feel like I’m in control of something and I can get my emotions out into words. I don’t talk much anywhere because I’m self-conscious and I feel like I can’t be myself, so it really makes me feel like I have something that makes me feel comfortable.
Michael P., 17
Michael is a high senior senior based in West Palm Beach, Florida.
My favorite self-care activity is definitely writing. I write every day, whether it’s journaling my thoughts, poetry, creative nonfiction, or journalism. Putting words on paper helps me express myself, tell meaningful stories, and clear my thoughts. I also enjoy yoga as a form of self-care, and have been using Peloton videos at home to teach myself new poses. I do yoga every day to relieve stress, and always finish with some meditation.
Rian F., 17
Rian is a high school senior based in Baltimore, Maryland.
My favorite way to practice self-care entails listening to a lot of slow r&b music, from artists such as Brent Faiyaz, Daniel Caesar, and Frank Ocean. When listening to music, I feel as if the world around me slows down and I become more focused and concentrated on myself. The music sparks a sense of calmness around me.
Rick C., 17
Rick is a high school senior based in Tracy, California.
My favorite self-care activity is to cook myself a nice meal. I have an hour-long lunch so I have time to whip up my culinary creations in the kitchen. My favorite lunch to throw together when I have extra time is a simple red wine pasta sauce. The shift to distance learning has been really hard for me and sometimes it is hard to take care of myself since I am always working. It’s really nice to experience the little joy of lunchtime every day.
Srilekha C., 17
Srilekha is a high school senior based in Austin, Texas.
As writing is one of my strongest passions, I find words to be relaxing, which are involved in my self-care routine. Sometimes, it’s the ecstasy of pouring out whatever is in my mind, but other times, I’ve found so much comfort in just finding beautiful words. I’ve spent hours shamelessly googling “beautiful words” not looking for anything but just feeling the words. It’s relaxing to not worry about putting the best word down on paper and instead just read the best words; it’s ineffable. I’ve found self-care in the strangest of places, but beautiful words calm me and help me find solace even at my worst times.
Shanthi H., 17
Shanthi is a high school senior based in Suwanee, Georgia.
My favorite self-care activity is coming home, placing my backpack somewhere I can’t see, and taking 30 minutes to an 1 hour to eat popcorn and watch an episode of parks and rec. I find it relaxing to just disconnect from my surroundings and do something I enjoy, such as eating and watching tv. I also like to end my day with reading inspirational literature before I go to sleep. This takes my mind off of any stress, and most importantly I have a positive attitude when delving into studies and school work.

Elle Rotter is a high school student from St. Louis, Missouri. This school year, Rotter is the Awards Coordinator for her school newspaper. In her free time, she loves photography, writing, and taking care of animals.
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